Kugler, Gedalyahu (Guido)

Kugler, Gedalyahu (Guido)

Son of Shoshana and Shmuel, was born on 27.11.1929 in Timisoara, Romania. He attended a semi-Hebrew high school and was active in the Habonim youth movement. On July 8, 1944, he arrived in Israel with his parents on the illegal immigrant ship “Kazbak” and joined a general and Palmach training program at Kibbutz Afikim. He returned to Afikim and, with the help of a 14-year-old boy, managed the place for months to fill the place of the arrested adults, where he moved to Ramat Hakovesh and was sent with the whole training group to Kiryat Motzkin. When his team was required to give a quota of three people for enlistment, he volunteered between eight and won the lottery to be among the three, Gedaliah served in the Carmeli Brigade, participated in 46 combat operations, He managed to reach the kibbutz in the first car that broke through the roadblocks and stayed for two and a half months under siege, and in the great battle for Jenin he displayed courage and courage, and when he ran out of ammunition he continued to fight the stones. In the Battle of Tarshiha he was ordered as a squad commander to cover up the withdrawal of ninety soldiers, who were killed in the Battle of Tarshiha. From thousands of Kaukji men, and he and his six comrades delayed the enemy until the 90s left the danger, and there he fell with his entire class on July 19, 1948. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya.

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