Kubashi, Yosef (Yoske)

Kubashi, Yosef (Yoske)

Son of Margalit and Haim, was born in 1926 in Jerusalem. First he went to elementary school and then learned craftsmanship and worked in the barbershop. At an early age, he joined the ranks of the Haganah, which engaged in training and exercises, and every task he was assigned, with dedication and precision and understanding of the lofty goal for which the missions were entrusted to him and his comrades. In his private life he was a good friend and humble in his behavior and in his contact with others, but in every public and national duty he was charged with, he felt himself as important and responsible as the heads of the community and bore every difficulty and danger in faith and devotion. From the beginning of the War of Independence, he left the nest of his small family, which was firmly attached to it, and went to battle. In his letters he encouraged his wife to hope for a peaceful life in a free homeland and wrote that he was in the company but was at home. His friends know that his actions in the battles of the Givati ​​brigade were devoted to his Lev and soul, until he fell in action near Ramat Hakovesh on the 3rd of Tevet 5709 (3.1.1949) and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Netanya.

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