Kruk, Oded (Naftali)

Kruk, Oded (Naftali)

Oded (Naftali), son of Miriam and Zvi, a Holocaust survivor, was born on the eve of Independence Day, on May 5, 1954, in Kibbutz Nativ. He studied at the elementary school in the kibbutz and later went on to study at the “Tzofit” high school in Kfar Menachem. From his childhood, Oded loved machines, and in this regard his friend told him: “The members of the farm were used to seeing him always poking affectionately at an engine. Bad”. Oded was loved by his friends, easy to be friendly and friendly. He was naturally optimistic, cheerful, loving life, and Simcha in his part. His voice was a good laugh and sometimes he would do pranks and tricks. He had an aesthetic sense and great sensitivity to beauty, and it was easy to bring him to enthusiasm, for he was kind and sensitive. He was always willing to help others, willingly, without bills. Oded was drafted into the IDF in early February 1972 and volunteered to serve in the Armored Corps, after completing basic training in the Patton tank course and in the course for tank commanders, and was a well-disciplined and responsible officer, very precise and well-versed in technical skills. And during the Yom Kippur War Oded participated with his unit in the battles of containment and break-up against the Egyptians on the Sinai front, in a battle that took place on the 17th of Tishrei 5734 (17.10.1973) in the southern sector of the Suez Canal, At the Yoreh Naveh junction, a Sagger missile hit his tank and Oded was killed on the spot, . Survived by his parents, brother and three sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Oded was a courageous and dedicated soldier, and until his last moments he stuck to his mission and did not abandon it.” His kibbutz published a pamphlet in his memory, including his memoirs, memoirs, commanders, letters and photographs.

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