Krenzel, Yaakov

Krenzel, Yaakov

Son of Orah and Simcha. He was born on November 6, 1977 in Nahariya. Yaakov enlisted in the IDF on March 24, 1996, successfully completed the tough combat path, and became a combat soldier in the “Barak” battalion of the Golani Brigade, and he was very fond of the army, demonstrating great resilience and identification with the army’s goals. He received a senior sniper position and was considered the best sniper in the country, and later went on to the squad commanders’ course, and was praised by many of his commanders. After his discharge from the IDF, Yaakov traveled with his friends to Australia, where he stayed for a short time and returned to Israel to study and acquire higher education, and before he left Israel he received a summons for reserve duty for operational activity in the Nablus area. Yaakov was killed when an Arab sniper shot him and killed him, and he fell in combat in the Nablus area on April 1, 2001, in an exchange of fire between IDF forces and Palestinians. He was laid to rest in the Nahariya military cemetery, leaving his parents and brother behind.

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