Kraus, Ziv

Kraus, Ziv

Ben-Gila and Naftali. He was born on the sixth of Shevat 5744 (9.1.1984) in the Hillel Yaffe Hospital in Hadera, his father was one of the first kibbutzniks in Kibbutz HaMa’apil, and his mother was from the village of Reshafim in the Beit She’an Valley. And his older sister, and his younger sister Shirin, who was given to him by his father’s cousin Levi Bar-Ziv, a fighter pilot who fell in the Yom Kippur War near the Suez Canal. Ziv was born at the end of the Peace for Galilee war, when his father was discharged from reserve service to be present at birth, and Ziv was a good, smiling, curious child. He was gifted with black hair and beautiful black eyes, and Ziv grew up in a joint education, as was customary in the kibbutz at that time, and became a good member of his group, when he was five years old. , Joined the Jewish school, acquired many friends and soon became part of the foreign country, and was well spent on weekends and family trips than on the kibbutz, and learned to ride horses and sing in Spanish. After two years, the entire family traveled to Ecuador, the United States, Canada, England and Sweden. Upon their return to Israel, Ziv went to first grade with his group “Narkis”. The group began their studies at the Misgav Regional Elementary School in Kibbutz Givat Hayim Ihud. The family settled in a small apartment, and after they moved to a family lodging, Ziv shared a bunk bed with his sister Moran in a tiny room. Ziv became a very good student throughout his years in elementary school and excelled in mathematics and computers. He loved music and in the third grade began playing music lessons on cello. He finished sixth grade with honors. In seventh grade he went to the “Shachar” junior high school in Kibbutz Ein Hahoresh. It was also the year of the Bar Mitzvah. All his peers had a lot of joint activity for the community, and a personal task – writing the family roots book. During the writing Ziv deepened and became acquainted with the past of the great family who perished in the Holocaust, the immigration of the grandparents to Israel and the establishment of the kibbutz. This year, Ziv joined the Young Kibbutzim Orchestra and participated in concerts held during the orchestra during vacations, in front of parents and guests. In addition to playing Ziv, he was very fond of sports. He first worked in volleyball and later went on to play table tennis and excelled in long distance runs. He was a fan of the Hapoel Ha-Ma’apil volleyball team and Hapoel Tel Aviv’s soccer fan. He regularly read the sports section and was also familiar with other sports, such as tennis and basketball. Eventually the computer took up a considerable part of its time. He was interested in computers and loved to help friends and family solve computer problems. At the end of his junior high school, Ziv was active and a partner at the graduation party prepared by the students for the honor of the parents and the staff of the school. Ziv moved to the Ma’ayan High School in Kibbutz Ein Hahoresh. During this period he became very active socially. He joined the Hashomer Hatzair movement and went to camps and trips in the movement, where he met youth from all over the country. Over time, the guide had young children and a partner in writing the nest newspaper. Ziv chose to study in a technological track, even though his interests included music and history. He joined the senior orchestra of the Kibbutz Orchestra, and continued to play, despite the small amount of time he invested in it among his many other occupations. During vacations he worked in the aquaculture industry, where his father also worked. The work was very hard, but ZivWas determined to prove himself and to join the veteran and young staff of the industry. In the 12th grade he decided to join the Hashomer Hatzair delegation to Poland, and before the exciting journey he went through a series of seminars on the Holocaust and decided to join a group of graduates of the movement who had gathered from all over the country. On weekends, for study and consolidation, and later volunteered for a year of community service and guidance as a commune. To this end, Ziv refused his service a year and passed many courses and seminars. He was very involved in Israeli politics and was there to support territorial compromise and dialogue with the other side. Ziv took part in demonstrations and memorial assemblies in memory of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, for the sake of peace and violence. Ziv spent the 13th year at a commune in Kfar Sava with his friends from the group, a wonderful period of personal and social independence, energetic activity and the creation of young youth education in the movement’s centers, and mainly in the Ramot Hefer school in Kibbutz Ma’abarot. Ziv learned to manage well in the city commune, grew up, and was very serious about the task he took upon himself, and he made good connections with his students and friends in the commune, and created a personal and beautiful relationship with his girlfriend Dana from Ramat Hasharon. Ziv joined the team for the establishment and organization of the “Shomria 9” event of the Hashomer Hatzair movement, which takes place every few years in Up Mishmar Haemek. At the end of the thirteenth year, the members of the nucleus to which he belonged decided to leave and to allow members to go on their way to join another nucleus and continue on the Nachal Nuclei track, in order to continue to train youth during military service. In November 2003, Ziv joined the IDF and his parents accompanied him to the induction center, wishing him an enjoyable service and hoping he would return home safely. Ziv began his basic training in the Nahal Brigade at the basic training base in Tel Arad, and joined young Jewish men from abroad. It was a special company in terms of composition and life. The training was difficult. Ziv became a soldier, with an effort to integrate in all aspects and to show maturity and leadership. He finished his campaign with honors despite suffering serious health problems in his feet. Ziv joined the 50th Nahal Brigade and, for the first time, joined the company for operational activity on the northern border. The problems in his legs forced him to undergo physiotherapy. Ziv was stationed at the battalion headquarters in Hebron, until he finishes his treatment and his condition improves. He expected to return to activity with his company and go on a year of training with his fellow members of the group. He hoped to finish the course and be a fighter after all. Two weeks after celebrating his twenty-first birthday, on the 31st of January 2005, at the end of the second intifada, Ziv fell in the line of duty in Hebron in Battalion 50 of the Nahal Brigade, thus cutting off all his dreams and future Cpl. Ziv Kraus was laid to rest in the cemetery at Kibbutz HaMa’apil. Survived by his parents and three sisters, many family members and friends, who remained stunned, hurt and orphaned. Grandpa Simcha and Grandma Sima write: “We browse through your album and here you are a happy child who is carried on his hands and shoulders, slightly ashamed and kissing, spending happy birthdays with your friends, riding horses, splashing in the water, working on a fish, A beautiful school and trips, meticulous in every aspect of your body, playing a cello and loved by everyone. That we have landed with you from beautiful concerts as wellAt parties. How multicolored you have been in your life! Handsome and very politically sensitive. You had a beautiful background and a great love. As much as we loved you strongly in the family, there are no words to describe. “Every evening when we returned to the tent at the end of the year, Ziv would take a box of brownies out of his bag and distribute them to everyone,” he said. “You are a soldier, an adult and loving person … Your wonderful image stands before our eyes and we will all remember you forever, And always made sure that there was a newspaper in the laser in the third grade only to divert our thoughts from the routine of the military day, and we remember how, during the time of the shouts we were given, while everyone was sitting in their seats and not understanding how they could sew a turban, Ziv would sit and offer his help. Ziv, your memory will remain in every one of us. ” Ruti Stroll, his aunt, wrote to Ziv Shir’s memory: “Soon we will turn on our footprints and return to our home / The rain is falling nonstop / The cold is cold and the soil is cold, this is a resting place / As if they were sucked out / And the soul did not know itself / How can you go away and leave you a beloved child? / Here, when everything is cold and wet / And the rain is constantly raining / We are all those who love you stand here and our hearts are broken / Embracing a sister, father and mother / in a man embracing a girl with love? And knowing that you / the heart does not believe / and the mind does not know that the worst has burst into our lives / and there will be no consolation. ” Maayan Sigal, his girlfriend in the core group, writes: “I think about the many points of encounter we had, from the first moment in the twelfth grade at the follow-up seminar, when we were all so innocent, so beautiful, so excited. I remember the processes we went through, the actions, the nuclear talks into the night. Decisions, quarrels, follies, and our slow, shared adolescence. I think and see you before my eyes, enter your room, my and Odelia’s, and excitedly recount a new experience from Rocky’s show, hugging Arte, our dog, and saying hello to the fish in the aquarium, your special love. “We met for the first time a year and a half ago at the seminar for the new Yod-Gimel expedition,” says Ma’ayan Golani, coordinator of the Central Region of the Hashomer Hatzair movement. “I remember one of your outstanding traits in giving from the heart, And since then I have accompanied you as a counselor at Ramot Hefer. You were the proud representative of the Maayan nest in the delegation and loved to tell and praise the nest in which you grew up and acted. During this period you chose to be part of a special group and together you lived and worked while stretching the conventions of movement. For about a year, she was trained in a nest, while dealing with the complicated collective and movement reality. Despite the difficulties you faced, you accumulated experiences of successes and failures and did not give up. You received the most satisfaction from the guidance of the group of Ethiopian immigrants in the area, and you were happy when this instruction bore fruit and brought them into the framework of regional and national activities. The climax of the year of activity was the summer in which you were a partner in the establishment of the Shomria and then its success. I will not forget our many conversations about politics. A serious and moral guy, idealistic, politically involved, proactive and responsible, yet sensitive and introverted. The movement was a significant and important part of your life and therefore you chose to continue the course of the movement even during your military service. “Ziv fell at the age of 21. Despite being so young, he experienced many experiences in his life and absorbed the love of the country, his family and friends. “Ziv has been working to encourage his students to believe in the possibility of compromise and peaceful coexistence with our Arab neighbors, and the family writes:” Our beloved Ziv will always remain in our hearts.That hurts. His memory and image will accompany us anywhere and at any time. May the memory be blessed forever. “

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