Kraus, Gabriel (Gabi)

Kraus, Gabriel (Gabi)

Ben Yehudit and Michael. He was born on February 17, 1972 in Jerusalem, the eldest son of his parents, and began his studies at the Horev Elementary School in Jerusalem and continued at the Horev High School, where he completed his studies, And to deepen his knowledge of Judaism, he continued his studies at the “Kerem B’Yavneh” hesder yeshiva. He joined the IDF in July 1990, completed basic training in the Armored Corps, served as a tank gunner, and spent a lot of his time in the field of security in the territories and was always happy to help them. Among his hobbies were collecting stamps, sports activities, mainly basketball, and building electronic devices, and after graduating from the IDF, he also managed to study electronics engineering at the Hebrew University for one semester. On February 25, 1996, while he was on his way to the reserve duty station, a suicide bomber blew up a bus carrying a suicide bomber, and Gabriel was killed, along with twenty-four bus passengers, and many were injured. Was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant after his death. Left parents and younger brother – Raphael. He was brought to eternal rest in the Givat Shaul cemetery in Jerusalem.

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