Krasnopolski, Wladislaw

Krasnopolski, Wladislaw

Ben Valentina and Vladimir. He was born in the Ukraine on December 7, 1986. In his presence, a great light flooded the family, and his mother nurtured him and devoted all his time to him, drawing on Zionist values, knowledge and wisdom. – When he was ten, in the winter of 1996, he moved to Israel with his family and settled in Rishon Letzion, where he attended the municipal school “Makif Hashem” in the city, where he studied in junior high and high school. A good student, he quickly absorbed the Hebrew language, invested in his homework, and fulfilled all the tasks that were best assigned to him.Valadi was a quiet, modest boy, very fond of the family He was surrounded by friends who loved him, played soccer with them and spent time with him, and when he was seven, Vladi began to practice Judo, which became a part of his lifestyle and until his enlistment he practiced and participated in competitions. His coach expected a great future in the industry and thought that if Waldi did not enlist in the army, he would be able to invest all his time in judo and move forward, but Waddy thought otherwise – it was clear to him that he was enlisting and contributing to the army and the state. Wladyslaw joined the navy on July 17, 2005 and served in the naval commando squadron, on the ship “Hetz”. His commanders appreciated his good qualities and testified that he was devoted to his job and his friends. Corporal Vladislav Krasnopolski fell during his duty on Thursday, September 27, 2006, at the age of 19. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon, leaving parents and brother.

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