Kramer, Shemaya

Kramer, Shemaya

Son of Yehudit and Aryeh. He was born in 1917 in the town of Aleksandrova on the Polish-Russian border to a large family of children, and his mother died of an illness when he was eight years old and his father, who was the head of the community in the town, was murdered in a pogrom against the Jews in Ukraine. In 1922, after the pogroms, he was among the orphans of Jews who immigrated to Eretz Israel, with his sister. He was educated in various institutions and spent six years in a children’s village at the foot of Givat Hamoreh in the Jezreel Valley. In Be’er Tuvia he stood out in his dedication in the work of the orchards and his bravery in the face of danger. He became known in the moshavim for his kindness and cheerfulness. On 27 Nisan, May 19, 1936, when he was transporting agricultural produce in a truck from Beer Tuvia to Tel Aviv, he was murdered in Abu Kabir, by Arab rioters. He was brought to rest in a mass grave in the Tel Aviv cemetery, and left a wife and daughter.

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