Kramer, Herbert

Kramer, Herbert

Son of Hedwig and Hermann was born on 30.10.1893 in Frankfurt, Germany to a privileged family that specialized in art. He completed high school and then studied art history. During the First World War he served four years in the German army and after his release he continued on his parents’ ways (selling art). But the Nazis took over his business and left for Italy. Where he remained until the end of 1938 and at the beginning of 1939 immigrated to Israel and settled in Jerusalem. Immediately, he was appointed general and administrative director of the Bezalel National Center. In the first time he worked in this work not to receive a prize, and he also invested part of his own money in expanding the operation. He founded the Friends of the Bezalel National Gallery and helped publish the journal Art. He has been an active member of the Haganah since his arrival in Israel and has held many different positions. On April 13, 1948, he boarded the Mount Scopus convoy after the British promised that the road was open and safe, and the convoy encountered an Arab ambush in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and hundreds of Arabs hurled fierce fire at it. , But two buses, an ambulance and a escort vehicle were ambushed, and for many hours the convoy tried to prevent the Arabs from approaching the vehicles. In order to help, despite the appeals to them.In the afternoon the Arabs managed to set fire to two buses From the passengers. Just at dusk British intervened and rescued the survivors trapped vehicles. Among the victims was also Herbert. He left behind a wife – Aliza and a daughter – Ruth

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