Kozidlo, Pinchas (Chassy)

Kozidlo, Pinchas (Chassy)

Son of Hanna and Zvi, was born on April 23, 1964 in Petah Tikva. Pinchas attended the Moshe Hess Elementary School and the Brenner High School – both in Petah Tikva. During his studies he was very fond of his teachers and classmates, studied diligently and was involved in the students’ social life. Pinchas played soccer in the children’s team of “Maccabi” Petah Tikva, was an avid fan of the senior team and did not miss even one game! He was also a member of the Hatzofim branch of the Petah Tikva branch. Pinchas often listened to music, especially pop music, and had a rich collection of records. His room was a social center where his many friends met, spent their time listening to the music that came from the sophisticated stereo system he had acquired. Prior to his enlistment in the IDF, Pinchas was recruited to the IDF in early May 1982, and was assigned to the Armored Corps. After basic training, he underwent an Armored Corps course, then a clerks’ course, and served as an assistant officer for a three-person sergeant. Pinchas participated in the Peace for Galilee War. He was loved by his friends, who remember to this day how he helped everyone who approached him with a request for help and how he would bring home from his home a variety of sweets and distribute them among the guys. Pinhas and his first nephew, Eran, had special affection. He liked to visit him, play with him and buy him many toys. On December 9, 1984, First Sergeant Pinhas fell during his service and was brought to the military cemetery in Petah Tikva. He left behind his parents and sister. In his letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander said that Pinchas “fulfilled his duties with special distinction and dedication, did a faithful job and was a partner in every mission,

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