Kornberg, Daniel (Dedi)

Kornberg, Daniel (Dedi)

Son of Zina Ida and Fritz was born in Jerusalem, on the 7th of Tammuz, July 15, 1929. He studied at the elementary school in the Talpiot neighborhood, and later in Ben Shemen Youth Village, where he studied for two years. He worked at the children’s company at Ginegar. His second major education was in agriculture, at the Kaduri School. He loved sports, especially swimming. He strove to take on any task, and help others. He organized a nucleus for settlement in Ginnegar. After graduating from the Kaduri School, he was accepted as a member of the group, in Ginegar. In the winter of 1948, with the outbreak of the War of Independence, he served in the Haganah, and participated in the defense of Mishmar Ha’emek. In May 1948, he was recruited to full service, and served as a machine gunner in a unit of the Golani Brigade. He took part in several operations in the Lower Galilee, and attacked the village of Lubia, which was one of the most important enemy strongholds in the Lower Galilee, blocking the road to Tiberias. On the 2nd of Sivan, June 9, 1948 Golani forces attacked the village from the direction of Sajara, and another force, in armored vehicles, moved along the road from Tiberias. In this battle, he served as a machine gunner. Daniel fell in this attack. For a long time, he was considered missing. After his body was found, he was laid to rest in the Mishmar Haemek cemetery.

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