Korach, Shimon (Shimi)

Korach, Shimon (Shimi)

Son of Nili and Yitzhak. Was born in Petah Tikva on November 13, 1961 in Petah Tikva, to a father who served in the army as a paratrooper, and after his military service, the family moved to Jerusalem where he studied at the Geulim School, Yad Hamoreh. “At the end of his elementary studies, the family returned to Ra’anana and Shimi graduated from the Ostrovsky High School in the city. In addition to his studies he collected stamps, dealt in soccer and basketball, and volunteered for the Civil Guard and for work at the Levinstein Hospital in Ra’anana. In addition to this, he was a youth counselor at the “Machanot Ha’olim” and in that framework he organized a Nahal unit and went with his friends to Kibbutz Netiv Halamed Hehalah. At the end of basic training, he went out with the nucleus to the Nahal Marva settlement in the north and then established the Nahal Rimonim Nahal Brigade in the Jordan Valley. In the framework of the nucleus, he embarked on advanced training in the parachuted Nahal Brigade, and at the end of his service he returned to Kibbutz Netiv Halamed Heh. After a while, Shimi traveled with some of his friends abroad, where he traveled, enjoyed and saw the world for a year or so, and when he returned to Israel he left the kibbutz, studied computer studies and started working in the profession. He was taken to the military cemetery in Ra’anana on July 15, 1987. He was survived by his parents and four sisters – Tamar, Hamutal, Dikla and Sarit

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