Korach, Shalom

Korach, Shalom

Son of Romia and Eliezer, was born in 1926 in Yemen. From his youth he yearned to immigrate to Eretz Israel and at the age of 17, at the beginning of 1943, separated from his parents, traveled to Aden and from there he immigrated. He arrived in Palestine on October 28, 1943 and settled in Tel Aviv, in the Hatikva neighborhood. Shalom joinined the Irgun, and at the outbreak of the War of Independence he joined the IDF and served in the Oded Brigade. Shalom was among the defenders of the mound and fell in battle during a Syrian-Gaza attack on the 10th fo Tamuz, July 17, 1948. He was buried in Kfar Giladi. On the 16th of Tevet, January 25, 1951, he was laid to rest in the military cemetery In Nahalat Yitzhak.

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