Kopolowicz, Mordechai

Kopolowicz, Mordechai

Son of Shmuel and Esther. Was born on the 17th of Iyar 5737 (28.4.1937) in Torda, Romania. He studied in the “cheder” and at school while still abroad until the age of 13. In 1950 the family immigrated to Israel. From Kfar Shamai, he moved with his parents to settle in Meron. Mordechai continued his studies at the “Panevezh Yeshiva” and “Yeshivat” of Kfar Haruah, and later went out to help his father in his work, when he set the times for Torah, makkim and Ma’ariv for prayer, did not spare his money for charity and observance of the mitzvot. In the observance of the commandment to honor a father and mother, and during his enlistment was assigned to the Armored Corps and participated in the Sinai Campaign. After his discharge from the army he returned to the moshav as a tractor operator and was responsible for processing the orchards. He then established his home and was a member of the Meron Committee. After setting up a home in Israel of his own, he often went to his parents’ house during the day to make it easier for them to do restorative work. From time to time he was called up for reserve duty, as was the case before the Six-Day War, and on the second day of the battles, on the 27th of Iyar 5727 (June 6, 1967), after fighting valiantly, he fell in battle against Deirdre from the Syrian shells. left a wife and two children – and the third was born after his father sank. He was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Nahariya. The Moshav Meron Committee decided to write a Torah scroll in his name and in memory of Mordechai, and on Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5729, the Knesset entered the synagogue in the booklet “Ashi Israel” “Hapoel Hamizrachi” who fell on their guard, were devoted a few pages to his history and talk about him.

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