Kondo, David

Kondo, David

David, son of Esther and Joseph, was born on January 27, 1945, in Baghdad, Iraq, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1951. He studied at Ariel Elementary School in Maoz Zion, and later went on to study at the “Example” high school in Jerusalem, in the humanitarian field. David was the son of a large family of children. After immigrating to Israel, the family settled in Maoz Zion in the Jerusalem corridor. While he was in high school, David was active in the Gadna, and was educated in a religious home and was a traditional friend, and David was the eldest of the family, and his mother was more attached to him than to all her children.
He was drafted into the IDF at the end of August 1963 and assigned to the Golani Brigade. After completing basic training, he was sent as a squadron commander to the brigade’s training base and was later transferred to the brigade’s first regiment, and after completing his regular service David was placed in the Armored Corps and assigned to reserve duty as a non-commissioned officer He later took part in the course for 120mm mortar crews. After leaving regular service, he began working in the local council of Mevasseret Zion and worked there until his last day. He married his girlfriend Shoshana and eventually had two sons, Erez and Ophir. He was a good and loyal husband and a devoted and loving father to his children. There was nothing more precious than his beloved family. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, David was called to his unit and participated in the battles in the Golan Heights. On the 9th of Tishrei 5734 (9.10.1973), at the Yariv junction in the Golan Heights, David was hit by a fire that was fired from an ambush and killed. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl. He left behind a wife and two sons, parents, eight sisters and two brothers. After his fall, he was promoted to corporal.

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