Kollern, Lior

Kollern, Lior

Ben Kadan and Avraham was born on April 22, 1980 in Tel Aviv, a second son to his parents, brother to Yaniv and Eran, and Lior was a quick and energetic baby, and before he was two years old he began to speak and walk. Lior began his studies at the Yigal Alon elementary school, where he studied until the fourth grade, and even then he took part in science and piano lessons, and attended the Hillel Academy in the fifth and sixth grades. In Dayton, Ohio, where he met new friends, some of them Israelis and some of them Americans, who connected easily and made friends. She has enjoyed many challenges in various parts of the US Some of the trips were joined by other families, which strengthened the connection between the children and turned them all into one extended family, who loved challenges and was not afraid of new experiences. The last trip in the United States was in the largest national parks in the western part of the country, which left a lot of impression on the entire family, and in August 1992 the family returned to their new home in Reut. Lior began studying at the ‘Moore’ junior high school. During this period, fencing was added to his hobby. He participated in the Seif class and managed to win first place in a local competition for seventh and eighth grades, and third place in the championship held at the Wingate Institute in May 1994. His love for television and computer games grew stronger. He knew by heart the program schedule of all the channels. He also liked to play and program on the computer. Lior graduated from Maccabim-Reut High School. The high school period was not easy for him when it came to school. Despite this, he managed to complete his studies with a full matriculation certificate, which included English, mathematics and computers as an enhanced subject. Another love was for Lior, who grew stronger over the years: his love for soccer and Maccabi Tel Aviv. He followed the games very closely, and often traveled with a friend to watch the games. Lior was equipped with all the accessories related to the group: a scarf, a flag, a shirt and even a coat with a Maccabi address. In his room hung pictures and addresses. When Maccabi led Lior he would burst out with cries of joy. Lior was emotional and sensitive to everyone around him, especially to the children. He liked to amuse and make children laugh, and they were attracted to him and loved him very much. Lior had a well-developed imagination, expressed in the “I think” games he played with the children, and especially with his younger brother, Eran, creating an imaginary world of his own. Lior was drafted into the IDF in August 1998. Due to a medical problem he was transferred to a battalion from the Kfir Brigade as an armored personnel carrier in the Ordnance Division of the Storm Battalion, and he was very self-disciplined, And performed his role professionally and with great seriousness. Lior was very motivated, loved to help and help those around him at all times, and was loved and loved. “His friends, Eli Cohen, wrote that he had the ability to encourage during difficult times and to improve the mood with the sense of humor known to everyone who knew him. “Anyone who knew Lior got to see a happy and happy person, smiling and entertaining, someone who looks at the world from a cynical, ironic, optimistic angle. Even in times of sorrow or distress, Lior knew how to look at the full half glass and turned into difficult situations for softness and less pain. Lior never belonged to one person. Everyone knew him and he connected with everyone with his personal charm, warmth and smile … Lior loved the service in the battalion and fought to continue to serve with his friends … The embarrassed smileAnd the shining eyes will probably remain as “souvenir fragments” in our minds forever. “On the day of the 23rd of Kislev 5769 (2 December 1999), Lior fell in the line of duty, at the age of nineteen and nine months, he was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon. “And your room brings a storm / and therefore does not open the light / and we all realized very quickly / that the winter brings the cold // a terrible silence is flooded with tears / Death is living a flood of feelings / and you are not here / you are not here. “

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