Kojman, Sagi David

Kojman, Sagi David

Ben Evelyn and Herzl. He was born on the 22nd of Tammuz 5737 (22.6.1977) in Afula, the city where he grew up and grew up, a brother to Meital and Avi Sagi was a smiling child with large inquisitive eyes, full of joie de vivre and a desire to give to those around him, And gathered around him many friends, both from the circles and from the school and from the various activities in which he worked. When he was one year old, his sister Meital was born and when he was five and a half his brother Avi was born. Sagi was a proud brother of Meital and my father, and he loved to look after them and devote them time. He began his studies at the Alin Yizrael school in Afula, continued with the Brosh Brigade in the city, and graduated from the Amal high school. During the first years of his studies, Sagi did not invest much time in his studies, but the teachers were always forgiving of him because he could ask for forgiveness, accompanied by his captivating smile. He loved the school because of his many friends. Sagi was a wanted member because of his socialism and his willingness to help at any time. Sagi’s need to help and his community involvement was also expressed in his volunteer work for the Civil Guard from the age of sixteen. He volunteered with dedication, with a smile and a good spirit, and was appreciated by those around him and even by their affection. As part of the volunteer service, he was awarded several certificates of merit and a certificate of excellence in a darting competition. One of the documents said: “On June 9, 1995, around midnight, when you were on a motorized patrol, people were told that they were trying to steal a vehicle. Damage to civilian property, for which I am grateful, strong and courageous, commander of the Afula station. ” During his high school years, Sagi decided to invest more in his studies and became an outstanding student in the electrician track. Despite the profession he acquired, he was determined to serve in the IDF as a combat soldier. At the end of June 1995 Sagi enlisted in the IDF for basic training. He completed basic training successfully and later joined the Judea and Samaria Border Police. Sagi was a particularly proud soldier. He laughed at his “Jobnik” friends and when he returned to the holidays he enjoyed walking down the street in his uniform. Sagi also liked him quickly. He was a policeman who enjoyed his work and therefore radiated joy, cheerfulness, and extraordinary sociability. The commander of the Nablus Company, who was on the first day of the meeting with Sagi, was impressed: “You arrived at the company exactly on the day we went on a trip in the north. I remember that during the entire tour you were close to me and I was very impressed with you. A new cop in the company, cheerful, full of joy, and already on your first day you were socially involved. You were very quickly integrated into the company and you were a prominent figure in all aspects: in the concentrated training and operational activity I discovered a friendly, cheerful policeman who enjoys every moment of his service. “Sagi fell during his service on July 26, 1996. He was nineteen when he fell. He was buried in the military cemetery in Afula. Survived by his parents, sister and brother.

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