Kohn, Angel

Kohn, Angel

Son of Rosa and Juan, was born on December 13, 1947 in Argentina, where he completed his elementary and high school studies, where he received his Jewish and Zionist education at the home of his parents. In February 1974 he immigrated to Israel with his wife, where he studied Hebrew in the Ulpan, and in July 1976, his only daughter was born, and in that year Angel settled in Neve Monosson Near Tel Aviv, and was hired as the head of a savings department at the bank, where he spent three years studying banking. And he loved his wife, Batya, and his only daughter, Danit, and was a friendly figure for all his acquaintances, friends and neighbors, and he loved his sister in Argentina, and in January 1981 Angel was a citizen of Israel and July That same year he enlisted in the IDF as part of reserve duty for basic training. On 6 Av 5741 (6.8.1981), he served in a camp in Tel Hashomer. One of the soldiers accidentally fired a bullet from his weapon, Angel was hit and killed. He was 33 years old when he died. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in Tel Aviv. Angel left behind a wife, daughter, parents and sister. The commander of his unit wrote in a letter of condolence to his family: “Private Angel Kohn fell while doing his duty at Tel Hashomer, he fell in a tragic weapon accident that took place at the induction center. Angel proved himself to be a loyal and devoted soldier, willing to do whatever he needed. This was the result of the assessment of his commanders. He proved himself to be a true Zionist who views military service as a mission. “

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