Kofetz, Benjamin

Kofetz, Benjamin

Son of Israel and Sarah. He was born in Szydlowiec, Poland in June 1929. He and his brother immigrated to Eretz Israel with the “Tehran children” in 1943. They all went to Kibbutz Ein Harod, completed his studies at the elementary school in Kibbutz Ein Harod and finished school He joined the “HaNoar HaOved” youth movement and found his life as a metalworker and driver, and joined the Palmach in February 1948 and joined the Palmach. Was among the conquerors of the Castel. During the siege of Jerusalem, he was in the vicinity of the city and took part in the break-in to the Holy City. Only in 1949 did his parents immigrate to Israel after all their travels in Poland, Russia, and Germany. On the 20th of Av, 5711 (August 22, 1951), in the course of his duties, he fell and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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