Koblenz, Sarah

Koblenz, Sarah

Daughter of Yehudit and Naftali. She was born on July 26, 1916, in Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania. In her hometown she studied first in elementary school and later in the Schwabe Hebrew Gymnasium. She was active in the Gordonia youth movement and also devoted her time to her hobbies: singing and playing the violin. She was prevented from fulfilling her dream of immigrating to Eretz Israel at the time, since she had to help her widowed mother. Later, her mother and sister left Lithuania and immigrated to Israel, but she had to stay there temporarily to try to transfer the family’s property to Israel. She immigrated to Israel in January 1935 and joined her mother and sister who lived in the Hatikva neighborhood of Tel Aviv. At first she worked in a children’s institution and later began working in a toy store in Tel Aviv. In addition to her work she was an active member of the Haganah, participated in the maintenance of her neighborhood and volunteered in the kitchen of the guards. On the afternoon of 7 Tamuz, 6 July 1938, a bomb that wounded six Jews killed Sara. She was taken to a mass grave in the old cemetery on Trumpeldor Street, on Herzl Street in Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, leaving a mother and sister.

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