Kobelivker, Zeev (‘Ziv’)

Kobelivker, Zeev (‘Ziv’)

Son of Shmuel and Sarah. He was born on the 8th of Tevet 5707 (23.12.1955) in Haifa and began studying at the Leo Baeck School, where he was a pleasant and smiling child, a good student and a beloved friend. A good friend of the class and was awarded book prizes by the Haifa Rotary Club, where Ze’ev continued his studies and completed them at the Reali School, where he discovered the love of the land, the nature of the Carmel ranges, its hidden channels and its hidden paths. He traveled a lot, alone or with his friends, in the charming corners of the mountain, and wild nature captivated him, and during his studies he was active in the Gadna and took part in all his activities. He was also a member of the Scouts movement and later of Hashomer Hatzair. In his free time, Ze’evi was a book reader, a chess player and a horseback rider, and his educator wrote in the upper grades of the Reali School: “Ze’evi once edited an educator’s time, the subject of which was his approach To life, as well as the duties of man toward the friend and the nation. Not only I was surprised. The entire class was surprised. There was a man in front of her who knew very well what he was demanding of himself and of others, that his future paths were clear to him. Suddenly, Ze’evi was discovered in his adult life and extraordinary integrity. On the one hand, he presented non-interpretive demands, and on the other hand he understood very well that few could meet them. This teacher’s hour was a turning point in his relationship with the class, which only then knew the real Ze’evi … In our memory, the teachers, will remain a wolf as he was: quiet and polite, good-natured and warm-hearted, fulfilling his responsibilities and always willing to help others. ” He joined the kibbutz in Kibbutz Metzer, where he worked as a dairy farmer, and at the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War he rushed to the kibbutz, where most of his comrades were recruited and worked in the cowshed. But his strong longing for his comrades in the nucleus overwhelmed the scales. Ze’ev left the course and volunteered for the Nahal Brigade, where he was very active in the nuclear secretariat and was very sensitive to the relationship between man and his friend, and he stood out in his ideals of honesty and decency, (28.5.1975) was killed while serving in the military cemetery in Haifa and left behind his parents and sister in a letter of condolence to the family: “Ze’ev was one of the outstanding soldiers in the company. He succeeded in all the tasks he was assigned. Roles. “

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