Klopstock, Benjamin

Klopstock, Benjamin

Son of Yosef Halevy and Miriam. He was born on December 16, 1932 in Berlin, the capital of Germany. The following year he immigrated to Israel with his parents. Completed ten classes at the religious real-school “Yavne”. He belonged to the religious sports association “Elitzur” and tended to painting. He was a youth counselor and a counselor in the youth movement Ezra, which belonged to Poalei Agudat Israel. Worked in the engineering department as a radio-telephone technician. When he was drafted into the IDF in October 1950 he went to serve in the Nahal Brigade and was one of the founders of Kibbutz Sha’alvim, a settlement in front of Latrun. He fell in the Battle of Abu-Agila in the Sinai Campaign on the 27th of Mershvan 5711 (1/11/1956). He was buried in the Military Cemetery in Szelech and on Thursday, October 30, 1957, was transferred to the military cemetery in Haifa for his commemoration. And contributed greatly to youth education.

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