Klipstein, Ilan (Yosef Yolle)

Klipstein, Ilan (Yosef Yolle)

Son of Frida and Shalom was born on December 30, 1916, in Berlin, the capital of Germany, where he attended high school for seven years and joined the “Habonim” youth union, and spent two years in a Zionist pioneering training program in Denmark. He joined the Kibbutz Givat Hashlosha and then moved to Kibbutz Dorot, and finally, on November 20, 1945, settled as a member of Ayelet Hashahar, where he found a permanent home for him, his wife and three young daughters. And when the rescuers approached him to remove him from the ruins, he asked to be treated first by his friends, who were in a more difficult condition, and was transferred to the hospital in Safed, where he died on Tuesday, (10/06/1948). Was brought to rest at the cemetery in Ayelet Hashahar during the storm of battle.

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