Klinger, Yaakov

Klinger, Yaakov

Yaakov Klinger, son of Miriam and Joseph, was born in September 1918 in Warsaw, Poland, and received a traditional Jewish education in a cheder. In 1925, his parents and their six children immigrated to Israel. From 1936, he was a devoted member of the Haganah in the Montefiore neighborhood where he lived. He was also active as a firefighter and as a paramedic in the Hatchiyah neighborhood. He served in the Golani Brigade and participated in battles in the north of the country. Yaakov fell on the 3rd of Tammuz (10.7.1948) when the enemy attacked from the Sajera Outpost. He was buried in Kfar Tavor. Onthe 7th of Tamuz, 22.6.1950 he was laid to rest in the Nachlat Yitzchak military cemetery.

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