Kleiner, Yehuda

Kleiner, Yehuda

He was born in 1917 in Bannin, Poland, to a well-to-do family, and despite his parents’ opposition, he joined the “Vitkinia” organization in preparation for immigration to Eretz Israel. He then moved with his group to Kiryat Anavim and later to Hulda, where an argument was waged between members about whether to join another group or establish an independent nucleus. Yehuda, who was one of the supporters of nuclear independence, convinced his colleagues that most of them supported the unification of the groups. The nucleus moved to Pardes Hannah to establish the independent group there, and he remained to settle a few more matters. He was an active participant in the group’s life and was always the first to take on any task and responsibility. On 25 Tishrei (20.10.1938), he was with a group of workers and guards who returned from work in the orchard, and the driver noticed the mine on the way, but then the truck was attacked by gunfire from the ambush, and Yehuda was killed. He was buried in the Hulda cemetery. He left a wife.

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