Kleiner, Noah

Kleiner, Noah

Son of Liza and Isaiah. He was born on July 19, 1922. In 1924, he immigrated with his family to Palestine and settled in the Borochov neighborhood near Tel Aviv. After completing his elementary studies, he continued at the Montefiore Technical High School in Tel Aviv. Noah was an alert child, full of energy and life-loving, with a rich imagination and a continuation of the strange and strange. At the same time, he took a realistic approach to life when his imagination served as a foundation and motive for all his actions. From the age of fourteen, he was active in the Haganah and completed a course as a young cadet, and at the age of seventeen he left with a group of his training comrades in the Kinneret group. And was assigned to a transport unit at the rank of First Pvt. During the Western desert he arrived with the liberating army to Italy, where he was also among the first to fulfill any role.In the days of the surrender of the enemy and the liberation of the remnants of the Jews from the concentration camps, Noah devoted himself to rescue and organization. The place was decided to establish another training program called “Hachshara B” Everything needed for the camp – food, ovens, clothing, kitchen utensils, etc. He would spend nights as a day, restless and restless, all quietly and with exemplary modesty, he knew how to appeal to people and win their hearts, overcome obstacles and invest in his role. Among the remnants of the sword, many of them returned the hope and desire to continue and start a new life in the Land of Israel On January 11, 1946, Noah was killed in a car accident. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Udine, Italy. Lay down parents and sister. Friends published a booklet about his character. His memorial was erected in Noah Square, named after him in Givatayim. And in the municipal library a technical library was established in his name. Grave location of his grave III.D.8. Age 24. Unit Roya Army Service Corps. Corporal rank.

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