Klein, Yehuda (Imre)

Klein, Yehuda (Imre)

Son of David and Sara-Charlotte. He was born on 8 May 1933 in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, where he studied for two years in a high school in his hometown and belonged to a Zionist youth movement (Poalei Zion) and despite the entreaties of parents who wanted to continue his high school studies He decided to immigrate to Israel, where he had a great influence on the establishment of the state and then enrolled in Aliyah, where he immigrated to Israel in 1948. He was sent to Hulda where he stayed until the cost of his mother, (January 1950), and in order to be accepted, he “corrected” his age. On the 19th of Elul 5710 (1.9.1950) he died and was put to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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