Klein, Ben-Zion (“Tivika”)

Klein, Ben-Zion (“Tivika”)

Son of Yisrael and Chana. He was born on December 31, 1937 in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. He attended elementary school there. In 1953, when he completed his training as part of Youth Aliyah, he joined his friend as a member of the “Aliyat Hanoar” “Talmei Yafa” (“Talmei Yafeh”) in the Negev, which was completed in high school, showed a tendency to literature, was accepted and loved by all its friends because of its cheerful spirit, and was drafted into the IDF in June 1954 after working and maintaining ” . He took an officer’s course but did not finish it. On Friday, 10.10.1956, he fell in a battle near Qalqiliya and was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, and at the “Thirty” he began planting a grove in his name on the Zionist youth farm, Of “Pages” (information of the Department for Immigrant Absorption of Children and Youth published by the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem). In Uri Milstein’s book “Wars of the Paratroopers,” his memory was raised.

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