Klapper, Yosef-Mendel (Yossi)

Klapper, Yosef-Mendel (Yossi)

Yosef (Yossi), son of Rivka-Ita and Avraham-Yitzhak, was born on February 28, 1939 in Tarnopol, Poland, and immigrated with his family in 1957. He was the one who attracted the family to immigrate to Israel, and after he immigrated to Israel he studied for three months in the Ulpan and then began to work as a laborer until he was drafted. In Poland, his desire was to study medicine, but in Israel it was not possible and he accepted the decree in good spirits. Yossi was quiet, modest and pleasant, and he had many friends from many circles. Yosef was drafted into the IDF in mid-May 1958 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he was trained in a tank training course and was assigned to the Armored Corps in the south of the country as a tank gunner. After completing his regular service, he worked as a printer in the government printing press in Tel Aviv, and after that he used to print a offset offset at the Tel Aviv cartographer’s factory until his fall, and he served in the same battalion with the same comrades. In the Six-Day War, he fought in the framework of the Harel Brigade together with the Paratroopers Brigade, to liberate Jerusalem, And in the letters he wrote during the Six-Day War he tried to calm his family, and in recent years he suffered from stomach aches and was afraid that he developed an ulcer, but he never agreed to approach a medical committee. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Yossi hurried to join his unit and took part in the battles on the oil axis and the conquest of Hoshenia on the Golan Heights On the 14th of Tishrei 5734 (10.10.1973), during his break in the fighting, his unit was attacked firing Katyushas at the entrance to the 110 post, and Yossi was hit and killed. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by a wife – Ruth, son Ronen, parents and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant.

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