Klaf, Chaim-David (Haimons)

Klaf, Chaim-David (Haimons)

The only son of Rachel and Avraham (one of the volunteers of the Jewish Legion in Eretz Israel during the First World War, the son and rabbi of the Yemenite neighborhood Sukkat Shalom in Jerusalem).Chaim-David was born on the 19th of Kislav, 29.11.1931 in Jerusalem. Chaim studied at the Talmud Torah and later studied carpentry. At age 13, he joined one of the underground organizations without the knowledge of his parents. When they learned about this they warned him to preserve his life, as he was their only son. Upon the declaration of the State, on May 14, 1948, he left the underground and joined the army, in the Alexandroni Brigade. He participated in battles as a brave fighter on the border of Sharon and the “Triangle”. When he came home on his last vacation, he refused to lie on a pillow and said: “My friends in the front are sleeping on stones.” On the 6th of Tamuz, July 13, 1948, he was hit by shrapnel and fell on the border of the “Triangle.” He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Netanya.

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