Kirszner, Chaim

Kirszner, Chaim

Son of Yaffe and Shimon, was born in 1929 in Rishon Letzion. He was a member of the Gadna from his youth, and when he arrived at the mitzva, he left elementary school and was accepted to work in Sarafand, a military camp near the settlement. He took a course in class commanders, began training, but for a long time avoided him. When he was 17, he enlisted in the Nutras and since then has been active for a long time in escorting convoys. More than once the open van drove him, but Haim was safe. Thus he continued his role until the disaster that happened to his seven comrades, who fell in battle near the village of Yasur. The truck of Haim and his friends was about to meet with the pickup truck from Holon. The meeting took place in a shocking way: seven bodies were lying dead. Haim served in the Givati ​​Brigade and wished to avenge the blood of his fallen comrades. He participated in many battles, including the defense of Negba, and showed courage and coolness. Although he was attached to the brigade headquarters in a responsible position, he could not remain in the rear and joined the Shimshon Foxes. “A model fox was a life,” writes his friend in the battles. “The days are hard, the people weary, but they raid the enemy camps and hit their ranks.” Before the start of the “Yoav” operation for the breakthrough to the Negev, Haim and his men went out in the raid behind enemy lines and brought important news. But he did not get to participate in the operation he had prepared. During training in the village of Shachma on October 14, 1948, when a Spandau machine was attacked, several bullets hit his body. For a few hours you did not leave him and his last speech was: “I know that I am going to die …” He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Rishon Letzion.

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