Kirshenbaum, Dvora (Duchy)

Kirshenbaum, Dvora (Duchy)

Daughter of Sheindel and Moshe, was born in 1922 in Torda, Transylvania, in the Romanian part that was not returned to Hungary in 1940, and from there the Jews were not deported to the camps. At the end of the war, she joined the Gordonia movement and, in order to realize the idea, she boarded the ship “Kibbutz Galuyot” (“Pan York”). Spent six months in Cyprus and was active as a youth counselor. Even when she immigrated to Israel, she continued her activities as a counselor in the Huliot group (Sde Nehemia). In August 1948, she joined the Hungarian nucleus in Massada, trained and participated in activities with all the members of the group until she was killed by a bullet on the day of the 19th of Tevet 5709 (21.1.1949) and was brought to rest in the Masada cemetery.

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