Kinarty, Chen

Kinarty, Chen

Ben Michal and Noah. He was born on August 3, 1972 in Kibbutz Kinneret, the third child of a family of four. Chen the baby grew up in the children’s home in his kibbutz, always happy and satisfied. A very healthy child, quick, clever, and all cheerful and cheerful. “And as if to emphasize all the wonderful qualities, his name – Chen – attests to this.” Chen grew up with a boy and boy with conscience and responsibility. Studies, work and all the circles he has participated in, always ready and ready, serious and investing. By the end of the eighth grade, for six consecutive years, Chen had participated in gymnastics on instruments, joined the Jordan Valley team and achieved good results. During his studies at the Beit Yerah high school, he liked to move from the ground to the sea. His love of the sea and sailing was a great occupation for leisure. In 11th grade he went to the Gadna diving course. He also made very good achievements in this industry, participated in many competitions and took out all possible licenses. During one of the summer holidays, he also underwent a course and received a diving license. He managed to dive down to Eilat during his vacations from the army. Thanks to his joie de vivre, modesty and energetic activism, he was very popular and loved by his contemporaries. Chen’s educator, in his four years of studies at Beit Yerah, wrote: “… We met for the first time when you arrived at Beit Yerah, a fifteen-year-old boy of short height, a pair of bright, inquisitive and intelligent eyes. “He said. At the end of his studies he left for a year of service at Kibbutz Metzer. He was always busy with friends, organizing trips, soccer games, visits to the members of the class who had enlisted in front of him, interested in and keeping in touch with everyone. “Chen’s way of life was through giving, he always knew how to contribute to the society that surrounded him,” says his mother. After completing his studies at Beit Yerah, Chen hesitated whether to be accepted to membership in the Kinneret. “Chen asked me what I thought, and I said to him: If you intend to stay in the Kinneret, you will be admitted to membership at the age of eighteen, if you do not, that’s already your decision, because he knew he was going to build his life in Lake Kinneret.” When he was about to enlist, he had no doubt where he would go. Like his father and his two older brothers, he too wanted to continue the family tradition and serve in the paratroopers’ paratroopers. At the end of November 1991, Chen enlisted in the IDF and volunteered for the Paratroopers Brigade, and the training and training was very difficult and eroding, but Chen, who was endowed with willpower, intelligence and industriousness, stood on all missions and became a regular combat soldier on one of the team. 1994), while on his way to an operational mission in Lebanon, Chen was electrocuted to death when the antenna of the radio transmitter on his back hit a high-voltage cable. Chen was laid to rest in the Kinneret Kinneret cemetery. He was twenty-two years old when he fell. Survived by his parents, two brothers – Ron and Gal and sister – Eilat. Chen was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant after his fall. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “… Chen underwent a long, arduous and challenging route from the day he was drafted, almost for two years, during his training as a combat soldier in the unit and continued as a sergeant until the day of his death. And he persistently aspired to be the leading line of the Sayeret fighters, and he created a happy atmosphere around him in the team and in the unit and sometimes played the clown, even if he was a serious person inside. . His family and kibbutz took out a pamphlet in his memory.

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