Kimmelman, Daniel

Kimmelman, Daniel

Son of Ida and Max (Shemaiahu). Born in Poland on April 24, 1920, June 15, 1942, he joined the British Army despite his poor health, and was active among the members of his company. To issue a leaflet for the unit and to organize training sessions. In one of his letters to the members of his company, he wrote: “We must instill into our hearts a deep sense of brotherhood toward each other because we are connected to our common destiny more than any other people, the desire to help instead of teasing and smiling instead of a dirty word.” Thanks to his knowledge of the English language he soon received a rank and after his training period in Israel, he was sent to Egypt. On October 10, 1942, about a week after arriving in Cairo, he was seriously injured in a car accident and died in the hospital. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Heliopolis, Egypt. Laid parents and brother. He also laid down a literary estate: Polish translations of works by the best Hebrew writers and poets, translations of Shakespeare’s works from English to Hebrew, as well as original sources – lists and essays and poems. Grave location of tomb 2C26. Unit Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Rank Lance Corporal.

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