Kimchi, Ran

Kimchi, Ran

Ben Yehudit and Amir. Born in Tel Aviv on May 12, 1975, the youngest son of a family of two, Ran was born and raised in Tzahala, where he studied at the Tzahala elementary school, , In the Dan neighborhood, in the biological track. Ran, a handsome boy, full of love for life and with a strong desire to give and contribute to others, stood out for his involvement and concern for everything that was going on around him. He devoted most of his time, energy and energy to activities in the Scouts movement, as a boy, and in his youth as a guide and battalion commander. In this framework, Ran was the living and sweeping spirit in every activity – on trips and trips around the country and in social and cultural events. He was a multi-colored guy with many abilities and skills. A sports and music enthusiast, and blessed with talent for writing and painting. Smiling and optimistic, tolerant and modest, admired and loved by people of all ages, surrounded by many friends and friends. The values ​​that he absorbed in his parents’ home: love of the land, love of man and respect for others were his guiding principles wherever he went, at school, in the movement and especially during his military service, and illuminated his short life. In the middle of August 1993, Ran was drafted into compulsory military service. Before he enlisted, he volunteered to join the Paratroops, but when he was offered to serve in the naval commando unit, he was filled with joy and pride. Ran saw military service as a mission and a mission. He completed his basic training course as an outstanding trainee, and was sent to expand his combat training in the infantry commander course, which he also graduated with honors. After receiving the rank of corporal, he went on to continue the special course of the naval commando unit: parachuting into the sea, counterterrorism course and training and diving series, all in order to reach his ultimate goal – a combat soldier in the naval commando. And in the peace of mind that characterized him: After a period in the training track, he was given the rank of sergeant, and according to his commanders and friends, along the difficult and special path, Ran stood out for his love for his friends, his willingness and his ability to help those who had difficulty. Higher, the more Ran’s abilities and personality were evident on the 18th day On January 18, 1995, Ran fell in the line of duty at the age of 20. Ran was killed in a diving training, a few weeks before the graduation ceremony, after a year and five months of arduous journeys, and until that day his smile was an inseparable part of him, But the sea managed to erase this smile, and Ran was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind his parents and sister Sharon, “Ran chose the sea route, and the sea chose him …” wrote one of his friends after his death. The naval commando – and the rank of sergeant – was awarded to him after his death. “They say that the good ones always go, so I turn to all the good people who sit up there: prepare a respectable place, you deserve the best.” These words, spoken by one of the friends about Ran’s open grave, express most of all the feeling of everyone who knew his life. At the funeral, the commander of the naval commando made a farewell speech: “… You belonged to Ran, the best of the fighters, a group that takes upon itself voluntary efforts and takes on the tasks of defense and battle out of a sense of mission and sacrifice. … Loved you, Ran, as you would, holding a weapon in the onslaught training, standing on the deck of a small boat bathed in sea and salt on stormy nights, wiping beads of perspiration during Training, laughing and laughing among your friends. ” In the school newsletter, one of the members wrote: “Ran was a symbol of excellence and kindness, to a man who has nothingWho stands before his will until he is defeated by the sea waves. “

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