Kibkovitz, David

Kibkovitz, David

Son of Yehudit and Meir, was born on 18.12.1926 in the city of Rozow, Poland. In 1933 he immigrated to Israel with his parents. David attended the Bialik Elementary School in Tel Aviv. He worked as an electrician. In 1941 he joined the Haganah. He spent most of his days in the Haganah, during the British Mandate, during Wingate, Sharona, and during the War of Independence serving in the Kereti Brigade, in the battles of Manshiyeh, Abu- Kabir, Beit Dagon, Tel-A-Rish, Salameh, Jabalia, etc. He excelled in coolness and self-sacrifice. He was seriously injured during the dismantling of landmines in the Moledet neighborhood and died of his wounds a week later, on 15 May 1948. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak

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