Khir (Kamal), Zaher

Khir (Kamal), Zaher

Ben Samia and Kamal. Zaher was born in Magar, Galilee, on March 18, 1974, the youngest son of his parents. He grew up in Magar. Zaher was a beloved child, the young man who had enjoyed many luxuries from the whole family, his father said, yet was always careful to help at home and showed great respect for his parents and older brothers. He studied in schools in the Yishuv, and throughout his studies he stood out as a good student, diligent and disciplined, with high grades in all subjects. Zaher completed twelve years of schooling at the Magar Comprehensive High School. In addition to her studies and help at Zaher, she volunteered and helped in various charitable activities, both within the school and in religious frameworks. Zaher was a smiling boy and stood out with his developed sense of humor and the many jokes he could tell at every opportunity. Over the years he has accumulated many friends who accompanied him all his life, friends with whom he had a warm and close relationship. From an early age, his favorite sport was cycling, and he often went on trips with a group of cyclists. As he grew older, Zaher became increasingly interested in cars, introduced various types of vehicles and even took an interest in races and field vehicles. On August 9, 1992, Zaher enlisted in the IDF, serving in the infantry unit of Unit 299, the Harav Brigade, and was trained as a disciplined and professional soldier. Zaher was very impressed with his diligence, his abilities and his professionalism and recommended him as a candidate for officer, and Zaher was sent to the Officers ‘Training Course and completed it successfully.Zahar’s first job as an officer was the commander of the recruits’ training base in Arad, With the rank of lieutenant, after three years of compulsory service and a year of permanent army service. After his release, Zaher returned to Magar. He married Fadia and set up a house with her. On 10.10.1997, Zaher fell in the line of duty four days after he began reserve service. He was twenty-three when he fell. Zaher was laid to rest in the Magar cemetery, in the military section. Left a wife and parents. Zaher is commemorated at the main monument for the fallen Druze community in Asfiya and at Yad Labanim in Dalyat al Carmel.

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