Kfir, Gideon

Kfir, Gideon

Gideon, son of Sarah and Joseph Frost, was born in Tel Aviv on August 31, 1941. Gideon was drafted into the IDF in early May 1959, and since he had already acquired proper professional training, he was assigned to the air force. After basic training, an employee began his career as a plane electrician in one of the air force bases. His virtues soon became apparent as a soldier and a professional, and his commanders began to pay attention to him and follow his development. He was sent to various courses in order to obtain a higher professional classification in his profession and succeeded in reaching a very high classification. His commanders appreciated him very much and with periodic opinions, his direct commander noted him as “a very excellent and efficient soldier in his position, fully identifies with his work and devotes himself to it very seriously and responsibly and is interested in advancing and improving the work.” His commander also wrote about him, that his independence could be relied upon in fulfilling his duties, and that he grasped and understood everything new and knew how to use security in everything he learned. Gidon was also a leader among his friends and was able to take control of every situation and integrate into every society, and therefore appointed him commander of one of the advanced courses of ground teams. He fulfilled this role with great success until the end of his regular service, and at the request of his commanders even volunteered to serve another period in the career army. After he was discharged from the army, he began studying accounting at Tel Aviv University, and although he worked full time during the day, During that period he also married his girlfriend Dalia, and a year later their son Harel was born. About two years before the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, he was assigned to the Artillery Corps as part of the reserves and was appointed a technical lieutenant in one of the IAF reserve corps. During the Yom Kippur War, Gideon took part in the battles in the Golan Heights. He served as a technical sub-unit in the Heavy Mortar Mortar Unit, which was based in Tel-Fares. On October 18, 1973, his unit was shelled by the IDF’s artillerySyrians, and in the shelling Gideon was hit by shrapnel and killed. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He left behind a wife and son, parents and brother. After his fall, he was promoted to the rank of sergeant.

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