Kertzner, Moshe-Yosef

Kertzner, Moshe-Yosef

Was born on January 6, 1922, in the city of Sochawa, Bukovina, Romania, where he studied at the “Yeshiva” and in a high school for commerce and worked as an accountant, and during the Second World War he was exiled with his city’s Jews to Transnistria After the war, he was active in the “Irgun Ha – Bricha” from Romania and in the illegal immigration to Palestine, and in 1946 he immigrated to Israel on a ship called “Max Nordoi” and worked as a construction worker. – He served in a field unit that was attached to the headquarters of the “Kiryati” brigade, and participated in many sabotage operations on the front and in the rear. The bridge that his unit set up on Nahal Sorek was named “Moshe’s Bridge.” At the request of his mother, who immigrated to Israel, he was brought on a day 19 th of Tevet 5710 (20.1.1949) for eternal rest in the military cemetery in Haifa

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