Kermish, Eliyahu (“Eli”)

Kermish, Eliyahu (“Eli”)

Son of Yosef and Batya. He was born in Jerusalem on July 9, 1954. He attended the Beit Hayeled Elementary School and the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem, and was drafted into the IDF in February 1973 and volunteered for the Golani Brigade. He completed basic training successfully despite the many difficulties he encountered – physical and spiritual. His great mental strength enabled him to overcome the difficult journeys and the arduous exercises. But the main problems were related to his lack of talent for manual labor. Already in his childhood he encountered difficulties in the handicrafts department at the school and in various activities in the youth movement “Scouts” that was a member of it. The army was often forced to practice the dismantling and assembling of weapons and various activities related to assembling instruments. Thanks to his tireless efforts, he overcame all difficulties. And at the end of basic training he was no different from any other soldier. Eli was a friendly man and soon became fond of his friends and commanders. In his various positions he managed to gain the trust of his commanders and became known as a dedicated and disciplined soldier. On the 7th of Nissan 5775 (February 7, 1975) Eliyahu fell while serving in the Golan Heights. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents and brother. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the commander of the unit wrote: “Eli took a long way with us, a method of hard training and many operations across the border, But most of all he stood out to me as a man and as a friend, as a person who cared about everything around him in the army and the state, and as a friend who always listened to the problems of his friends and soldiers. “

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