Keren, Ilan

Keren, Ilan

Ilan, son of Rivka and Menachem, was born in Petach Tikva on August 21, 1947. He attended the Beit Or elementary school in Moshav Kidron, and later continued his studies at the Mikveh High School in Petach Tikva, Ilan was very industrious and very active, and immersed himself entirely in the work of the land, in the treatment of the agriculture in the moshav, he was known for his improvisational ability and ingenuity, and he installed tools of iron scrap and wood. He was friendly, warm-hearted, pleasant and courteous. Ilan was drafted into the IDF in mid-May 1965 and volunteered to serve in the Armored Corps. After basic training, he completed a tank training course, a course for tank commanders, and a course for armored corps officers. He was a good and talented officer, efficient and dedicated and capable and entrepreneurial. He did not usually take care of discipline with his soldiers as long as they were doing their job properly. For his part in the war in 1967 he was awarded the “Six Day War Award”. After serving for a certain period in the career army, he was discharged and later went to work at Agrexco. During the Yom Kippur War, he participated with his unit in the battle against the Syrians in the Golan Heights. On October 8, 1973, Ilan fell in battle next to the oil pipeline. He was brought to rest in the cemetery in Moshav Kidron. He left behind a mother and brother. After his fall, he was promoted to captain. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Ilan was a good and loyal soldier, he carried out all his duties and was admired by all his subordinates and commanders.”

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