Keren, Gilad

Keren, Gilad

Ben Tamar and Ariel. Born on July 12, 1970 in Kfar Sava, a fourth child to his parents and first son after three daughters, grandson of Sarah and Abraham Keren and Ahuva and Moshe Greiver, members of the Second and Third Aliyah, Gilad attended the Ussishkin Elementary School in Kfar Sava and continued He attended the Katznelson High School in the chemical track and had a strong social awareness and a sense of identification and belonging to the country and society and his desire to “change the world.” Gilad volunteered for the Civil Guard in Kfar Saba as an expression of his social commitment. He was a computer enthusiast and worked in a computer store, where he enlisted in regular service in the IDF in November 1988 and was assigned to serve in the IDF Vear in the role he had chosen: flight inspector. After the training period, he was assigned to serve in an airfield in the north of the country. Was an outstanding flying supervisor, both professionally and from the human aspect. Gilad fell in the course of his duty on 9 May 1990 and was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kfar Sava and placed his parents and three sisters – Galia, Hadi and Hila – in a letter of condolences to the bereaved family. And the special manner in which he used to host, to take care of and help all those who arrived at the base gates … The commander also notes the writing of a series of procedures that he intended to edit,

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