Keren, Eliyahu (“Eli”)

Keren, Eliyahu (“Eli”)

Son of Avraham and Rivka. He was born in the midst of the War of Independence on May 6, 1948 in Haifa. He attended the “Geula” elementary school in his city. He belonged to the Scouts movement there. He studied at the “Sammat” high school and was enrolled as a member of the Department of Folk Dance on behalf of the Haifa Municipality, and when he finished third grade at the “Bimat” he left the school and was influenced by his parents. . When the idea of ​​a nucleus was formed in the movement, he also wanted to join him but was not released from school, and his parents turned to him (at his request) and explained that he wanted to go out with his friends. In a rat group at a free service. In February 1967, he joined the IDF and spent a few days in the paratroopers, even though he thought it would be difficult for him to reach them from the Golan Heights. After the basic training, he was in his regular service, and the Six-Day War broke out and Eliahu fell in the positions of the Supreme Customs House over the Benot Ya’akov bridge on the Syrian plateau. This was on the 7th of Sivan 5767 (June 15, 1967), and was brought to rest in a mass grave in the military cemetery in Nahariya.

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