Kendelker, Raphael (“Rafi”)

Kendelker, Raphael (“Rafi”)

Son of Binyamin and Miriam. He was born on the 14th of Av 5714 (14.8.1954) in India. He immigrated to Israel with his brother in 1969. Raphael attended elementary school in Bombay. Upon immigrating to Israel, he began studying at the Kibbutz Gvat Ulpan and then completed his studies in a plumbing course at the Neurim School in Kfar Vitkin. Rafael was conscripted to the IDF in September 1972 and was deployed to the air force. After completing basic training, he completed a driving course and a course for half-track drivers, and was successfully completed, and was sent to an Air Force unit in the south of Israel as a driver On February 7, 1975, Raphael fell on his duty in the south of the country. In the military cemetery in Ramle, left behind his parents and two brothers in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: “From the very start of his career, Raphael was warmly welcomed by the soldiers, thanks to his easy temperament and his desire to help others in their duties. He took part in the Yom Kippur War in the Sinai battles and contributed greatly to the unit’s war effort. After the war, Raphael became a friend and a friend, and was well integrated into the life of the unit and its missions. He fulfilled the duties entrusted to him faithfully, conscientiously and with good spirit. The good relations and the close connection between Rafael and the soldiers of the unit contributed to the consolidation and construction of the force in the unit. “

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