Kelly, Yehezkel (Izzy)

Kelly, Yehezkel (Izzy)

Yehezkel (Izzy) ben Dovid and Hilda was born in the city of Bombay, India, on the 27th of Sivan, June 15, 1947. Izzy immigrated to Israel in 1965, following his older sister, who immigrated 10 years earlier. When his parents and family immigrated to Israel, he immediately came to their aid and supported them as best he could. By nature he was cheerful respected his elders. Yehezkel was drafted into the IDF in mid-May 1966 and assigned to the Paratroopers Brigade, where he was transferred as a cook to the parachuting school. After his discharge, Yehezkel married. When Izzy went out for reserve duty he called home daily. Izzy had a special respect for his wife’s parents, who helped the young couple in their first steps. Izzy and his wife ran an open house, and many of their friends moved in. At the end of April 1976, Izzy was called to active duty, and on the 10th of Iyar, May 10, 1976 Izzy fell in the line of duty. He was laid to eternal rest in the cemetery in Tzur Shalom. He left behind a wife and two sons, parents (his father died shortly after the fall of his son) two sisters and a brother.

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