Kellner, Dov

Kellner, Dov

Son of Miriam and Emanuel, was born on 23.11.1923 in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, and attended elementary and high school there. After that, he studied mechanics and car smears, and in this profession he worked until 1944 when the Germans entered Hungary and he was sent to a labor camp. At the end of 1944, after a long trek, he was interned in the Mauthausen concentration camp. Shortly before the end of World War he was shot by the Germans and considered dead. He survived only because of the American army that liberated the camp and the devoted care he received in the hospitals. After his release from the concentration camp, he renewed his ties with the Habonim movement, where he was still active as a youth. At the beginning of 1947, he immigrated with his family on board the illegal immigrant ship Knesset Yisrael, which was to bring them to Palestine, but arrived in Palestine only at the end of that year after the British authorities sent him to the detention camps in Cyprus. When he arrived in Israel, Dov joined the ranks of the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization), and with the arrival of the Altalena on the shores of the country he was sent with his friends to Kfar Vitkin to help unload the ship. On the 21st of Sivan 5708 (June 21, 1948) the exchange of fire that developed during the unloading was wounded and killed. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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