Keller, Toby

Keller, Toby

Son of Shimon and Chasia. Was born on January 4, 1957 in Tel Aviv to academic parents who were able to provide him with suitable conditions for intellectual development and to adopt refined aesthetic norms, and to provide him with knowledge of the Torah and the fundamentals of Judaism – with the help of a private tutor. He began his studies at the “Ahavat Zion” elementary school in the city, where he moved to the Herzliya Gymnasium, where he graduated with a biological-biological track, and pursued a method of self-study aimed at controlling the material rather than chasing Zionists. The best qualities of integrity, kindness, human warmth and simplicity were evident in every condition The atmosphere was comfortable and open to people, even in the many months when he was bound to be confined to bed in the hospital’s frozen and oppressive atmosphere, in a meeting with his friends he would break the tension with his playful smile and his open talk about life and hope in the future. In every game it was clear in advance whether the captain of the team was the one who determined the players and the teams, for Toby’s ruling on such matters would not have appealed. Toby’s inner world was rich, deep, and wide. His interests were many and varied. In his search for beauty, he turned to artistic photography and music. He also wrote poems for publication. His loyalty to Zionist and moral values ​​came to light when he joined the Oded group in the period between the end of his studies and his enlistment, in which he was in charge of cultural projects for the youth in distress in the town of Ofakim. In February 1976, Toby was drafted into the IDF and assigned to the Military Police Corps, and he decided to give this vital corps its best. The symptoms of the disease in his body became more frequent. Toby was admitted to the hospital in Tel Hashomer, and finally decided to fly him to the United States for treatment and surgery. But this effort, too, was in vain. Toby fell during his service – on the 25th of Sivan 5738 (June 30, 1978). He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents and sister. After his death he was promoted to lieutenant colonel. The parents dedicated the name of Tovi Keren, whose prizes were awarded to the student of the Herzliya Gymnasium, which is the best in artistic photography. His commander wrote to the bereaved parents: “Toby came to my unit full of energy and a strong desire to be a commander in the IDF. I saw a guy with a determination to do everything to fulfill his ambitions. Toby was quiet, modest, and spiritually motivated with a sense of responsibility. Indeed, he passed a course of symbols and an officer’s course with great success. But force majeure interrupted the fulfillment of his dreams. “

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