Katzman, Dov (Dovi)

Katzman, Dov (Dovi)

Dov (Dovi), son of Leah and Yeshayahu Katzman, was born in 1927 in the city of Biala-Podlyska, Poland, and immigrated to Israel in 1933. When he completed his studies, Dov began working, gave his wages to his mother and only afterwards, he would he ask for pocket money for himself. He was a member of Hanoar Haoved and went to hachshara with a group from his movement. At the height of the War of Independence Dov completed his training and was sent as a reinforcement to the Etzion Bloc. During the days of the great battle against Gush Etzion he actively participated in the counter-attack. When the environment was quiet, he moved to an armored unit that joined in reinforcements to attack convoys. On the 16th of Adar II 5708 (March 27, 1948) he was in the convoy of Nabi Daniel, which left Jerusalem to bring supplies to Gush Etzion. Dov drove the first armored vehicle, known as a “roadblazer.” The intention was to take advantage of the surprise, quickly unload the equipment and return to Jerusalem. The convoy arrived at Gush Katif without incident, but was delayed due to unloading and loading problems. Time allowed the Arab forces to organize and call forces to the region. On its way back, the caravan encountered a number of roadblocks and gunfire, and about two kilometers south of Bethlehem, where a large checkpoint was built, the armored vehicle got stuck. In the evening, Molotov cocktails were thrown at the armored vehicle, and it flared up. Three soldiers managed to get out of it, and the commander of the armored vehicle and the others were killed, including Dov. He was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem and on the 17 of Cheshvon, 15.11.1951, his remains were transferred to the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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