Katz, Aryeh

Katz, Aryeh

Son of Asher and Miriam. Born on March 20, 1947 in Argentina, immigrated to Israel in 1952 and came to the Negev Guard. From the beginning of his life in the kibbutz, everyone knew him as a pleasant, quiet, outward-looking man, but lively, full of vitality and inner energy. He was an activist and he always ran to do, to help and to give power and ability. His entire being said will, tenacity, honesty, kindness, innocence and love for man, flower and beast. Aryeh was very sensitive, and sometimes he was hurt by things that were said, or by disrupting plans and promises he relied on. He always aspired to progress, learn, and develop. He took a course after a course in order to add his knowledge and began his studies toward the matriculation exams. He loved the work in the orchard and devoted his time to doing everything he undertook to do. He always did everything out of stubbornness and perseverance. He had the power of will and vision, and they determined his character and personality. Arieh was drafted into the IDF in early November 1964 and volunteered to serve in an elite unit, but because of his health he could not continue in this unit and was transferred to an administrative position in another unit. Who wanted to meet him, but because of his low “profile” he was refused to convince the commander that he would annex him to a combat unit and finally put his wings on the paratroopers, and in September 1967 he joined the career army. And later in the Golan Heights, during which he was a lieutenant colonel and a military operator Command and Training and commanders were full were amazed at how his command and the example and integrity and that showed. It was time to go to an officers ‘course, but by the book Military should have been more pass commanders’ course and joined the course, which had officers younger age, knowledge and experience. After the officers’ course he returned to the unit and was in command positions. After completing his service in the army, his views and outlook became stable. He loved the atmosphere of the house and devoted a great deal of time to it, and on July 18, 1970, Arieh fell to the cemetery in Mishmar HaNegev and his letter was sent to members of Mishmar Negev: “You raised a magnificent son in your company, who seized on his active service the possibility of giving everything he could for the people during this fateful period. Be proud of these boys. “The kibbutz issued a memorial company named after him

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