Katz, Aharon (Aharale)

Katz, Aharon (Aharale)

Son of Raya and Aryeh. He was born in 1892 in Petach Tikva. In the settlement, he finished elementary school and then moved to work in his father’s farm. He was a member of the Hashomer organization. During the First World War, he was arrested on his way to visit Tiberias by the Turks, accused of desertion and exiled to Damascus. At that time, the Jewish spy network Nili was exposed and Aaron was also charged with this network for the English and sentenced to death. His mother traveled to Damascus on a coal train and the day before his execution she managed to meet with him. He was killed in 1916. His burial place is unknown, and he left behind his parents, a wife, brothers and sisters.

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